Staging Your Home For Sale
While most of our marketing efforts are aimed at bringing prospective buyers to your door, the most important point in the sales process occurs the moment your prospect steps inside. You only have one chance to make that all-important first impression, and we are ready to help you make the most of it.
Merchandising a home is much like staging a show; you have to play to the audience. In order to be effective, the “director” must first become intimately familiar with the audience, their tastes and preferences, their likes and dislikes. We are well equipped to do just that, drawing on training that covers the fine points of home merchandising, as well as the personal experience of selling homes like yours to the people in your marketplace.
Of course, much of the staging or merchandising is just common sense. Clean up. Touch up. Repair anything that needs it. We will help you identify those important details that can make a big difference in how quickly, and profitably, you sell your home.