New Eastside residents are well-acquainted with the quirks of our neighborhood, but newcomers, including visiting friends and family as well as potential buyers, might find it a bit confusing. Now that the weather is nice, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the beautiful landscape that surrounds us. This video guides you through a scenic walk along the Lakeshore East North Loop. Starting from Lakeshore East Park, we head out to the Riverwalk, continue to the lakefront, and access the Lakefront Path. Then, we loop back under Lakeshore Drive to Lakeshore East Park. Along the way, I'll highlight key businesses that add charm to our route. This path is popular with joggers and walkers in the mornings, bustling with tourists on weekends, and a constant favorite among local residents. If you're looking to find your way to the Riverwalk or lakefront, this video is your essential guide.